We are pleased to share that the full member benchmarking dashboard is now available to members through the member portal.

Members now have full access to the same reporting features they did prior to the launch of our new systems.

This includes:

  • Complaints Received
  • Complaints Progressed to Case Management
  • Complaints Closed (including closed by stage)
  • Member Responsiveness including: Non-Responses, overdue responses and extension requests.

Log in to the member portal and click on ‘Benchmarking report’ at the top menu bar to get started.

Benchmarking tool screenshot

If you are responsible for multiple financial firms, you will only need to log in once to see the reports for each of your firms.

Please note, we did not record overdue responses from 14 June 2024 – 31 August 2024 to allow members and our teams to adjust to the new systems. As a result, you will see a zero recorded for this period.

We acknowledge the significant impact the delay has had on members and thank you for your patience. Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of our data has, and continues to be, our utmost priority.

We have shared information about the data, a navigation guide, reporting guides and a glossary on our website.

If you have any further questions, please contact our Membership Services team at membership@afca.org.au.

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Welcome to our live chat help service.

Please be advised we cannot provide you with financial or legal advice. However, we may be able to refer you to a community legal centre or financial counselling service if you need help.

Our live chat is operated by Genesys Cloud on behalf of AFCA. Any personal information provided in this chat will be captured by both organisations in accordance with their privacy policies, available at www.afca.org.au/privacy and www.genesys.com/company/legal/privacy-policy


We provide consumers and small businesses with fair, free and independent dispute resolution for financial complaints.

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We provide consumers and small businesses with fair, free and independent dispute resolution for financial complaints.

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