FLRM Fees and Cost Contribution Agreements

AFCA is committed to an accessible, efficient and financially viable FRLM based on a user pays system. This is because AFCA will need to balance resources applied for the delivery of the FLRM against the resources required to comply with AFCA’s primary role in the resolution of AFCA complaints.

 AFCA will give fair and reasonable consideration to the amount it asks the applicant to pay while balancing this against the costs imposed by the internal use of AFCA resources and external costs to deliver the FLRM.

AFCA will ask:

  • applicants pay a non-refundable application fee when submitting a request for a forward-looking review
  • successful applicants to sign a cost contribution agreement consisting of:
    • an upfront fee to cover some of AFCA’s internal costs prior to AFCA conducting a forward-looking review
    • external costs arising during a forward-looking review which are payable at the conclusion of the forward-looking review.

The fees for the financial year 2024/2025 are listed in the following table:


Fee (ex GST)

Application Fee

Payable upfront at Application stage


Review Fee

Payable upfront prior to the Forward-Looking Review commencing


External costs

Payable at conclusion of Forward-Looking Review

To be determined at the end of review

AFCA has discretion to take into account the size, nature and financial situation of the applicant together with the nature of the application when assessing the cost contribution to be made. A discount may be applied at AFCA’s discretion to the Application Fee, Review Fee and/or External Costs charged to consumer representative organisations and small business representative organisations. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

AFCA will also review its fees annually to ensure the financial viability and sustainability of the FLRM.

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